Golden Hearts Juice Bar 7.3

Golden Hearts Juice Bar 7.3

Prepare juices and drinks for the customers at the Golden Hearts Juice Bar!
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4

Just like many people, the protagonist of this game needs to get a job to pay college.
The young and energetic girl finds a job advertisement as a server in a juice bar named Golden Hearts (that explains the name of the game), and without second thoughts decides to call. Before even noticing it she’s working at the Golden Hearts. That’s what this game is about.
So let’s take a deeper look at the game action. The scenario is a typical juice bar where you’ll find some tables for the customers, a bar, a blender to prepare juice, some fruits, milk and umbrellas to top off the drinks. There are some cakes to offer to the customers as well.
The whole idea of the game is to serve customers as soon as possible and make the most money you can, in order to pass levels. Everything is kind of easy while the customers come one at a time, but when customers begin to line up waiting for their drinks, things are gonna get a bit harder.
There’s a routine to serve a client consisting in the following steps:
1. The customer walks in and seats in a free table. After reading the menu, a dialogue balloon will show what he wants to drink.
2. You have to take a glass and the ingredients required to make the drink, and put all together into the blender. After a little while the drink will be ready.
3. Put the drink on the tray and take it to the customer.
4. When the customer finishes drinking will pay the bill and leave. You have to collect the money.
5. If you make a mistake and prepared a drink you don’t need, you can throw it away to the garbage.

The patience of the customers are represented by a row of hearts above their heads. If they run out of hearts means that they’ve waited too long and they will leave without buying the drink.

When you first enter the game, you’ll be asked to type in a player name. Then, you’ll see the welcome screen with the following options:

- Change player: the first time there’s no existing player. After you create one or more, they’ll be saved. When you enter into this submenu, you’ll be asked for a name as a new player. It’s possible to have a list of different players and record their performance. This way, you can play home tournaments with family and friends.
- Play Game: this option leads you to a comic-style introduction. When it finishes you can start playing the first level.
- How to…: view the card-style help to the game.
- Scores: view the highest scores obtained.
- Options: this is the menu from which you can set some game options like sound volume, music volume, widescreen, and full screen.
- Credits and Exit: no further explanation required.

You can try this game for 60 minutes before you buy the licensed version. If you like it, you can buy this game for only 19.95 dollars, right from the Oberon Media Game Center, on the Web. There are some discounts for GameServer Members.
About the system requirements, is not that big computer that you need to run this game. Take a look to the list:
• Windows XP/Vista
• Processor speed: 1000 MHz
• RAM: minimum 256 MB
• Hard drive space (uncompressed): minimum 100 MB
• Graphics Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible
• Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible
• DirectX version: DirectX 8.1 or higher

LM Senior editor
Lionel Mira
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy to learn how to play the game using the help and the tutorial
  • Affordable price
  • Nice interface


  • It’s available only in English
  • It’s not a multiplayer game
  • Use on network not supported



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